Series Description

Your Mistake

In Mark 12 Jesus pointed out two mistakes we can make in life. If we listen to Him we can figure out how to avoid these two pitfalls.


Your Mistake—The Scriptures

Jesus tells us in Mark 12:24, “Your mistake is that you don’t know the Scriptures, and you don’t know the power of God.”


We make a huge mistake in our faith by not reading the bible. Reading God’s word shows us His character, and ultimately is what will change us.





Four Letter Words

Ever since we were little kids we've been told to stay away from four letter words; here are some surprising words that can be profane to God!


Family, friends, Pinterest. Our world is full of pithyadvice. When we look at it compared to scripture we see that a lot of it is just wisdumb.

More from this Series

Week 1
The Scriptures — Debbie Graper

Audio | Talk it Over

Week 2
You Don't Know The Power of God — Debbie Graper

Audio | Talk it Over