Series Description

This Means War

War is a heavy word. Everything changes when war breaks out. Things that once seemed important fade away and little else seems to matter aside from victory.


This Means War – Take Ground

For far too long Christians have been only playing defense in their faith instead of realizing that we are called to play offense as well!

War is a heavy word. Everything changes when war breaks out. Things that once seemed important fade away and little else seems to matter aside from victory.
What if you have been fooled into thinking this is peace time? What if there is an enemy who is advancing, your allies are retreating, and your comrades are dying? It’s time to take off our sandals and put on our boots.
This Means War.


In The Face of Fear

Being a Christian creates lots of uncomfortable and even hostile situations in our lives. Learn how to embrace boldness in the face of fear.

King of the Ring

The Lean Nazarene, The Bethlehem Kid, The Carpenter's Son, The Lion of Judah...Jesus wasn't a weak man. Look at Jesus in light of wrestling and find out if Jesus would be the real King of the Ring.

More from this Series

Week 1
Kill Sin — Cameron Graper

Audio | Talk it Over

Week 2
Take Ground — Cameron Graper

Audio | Talk it Over

Week 3
Rescue Captives — Cameron Graper

Audio | Talk it Over